Android Fwknop2 Client and OpenWRT
22 June, 2015
Jonathan Bennett's new Android 'Fwknop2' client is ready for prime time. It is available now in the Google Play store as well as on F-Droid, and Jonathan put together a nice video demonstration of Fwknop2 being used to access SSHD on a router running OpenWRT. Also demonstrated is the usage of NAT to transparently access SSHD running on a system behind the router. This illustrates the ability fwknopd offers for creating inbound NAT rules for external SPA clients - something that is, to my knowledge, unique to the fwknop in the world of SPA software. Finally, in an innovative twist, the Fwknop2 client can read encryption and authentication keys from a QR code via the phone's camera. This simplifies the task of getting longer keys - particularly those that are base64-encoded - to the phone for SPA operations.